Skybrokers de-installed a VertexRSI 9.0m Earth Station Antenna for RBB in Potsdam, Germany

VertexRSI 9m Earth Station Antenna de-installation
In March 2022 Skybrokers was contracted by Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), headquartered in Berlin in Germany, to de-install and remove a VertexRSI 9m Earth Station Antenna from the site. The antenna system was located in the Potsdam Wildpark and was disassembled in June 2022 with a three-member project and installation team and great help of crane company Engel-Krane, GmbH.
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting, RBB), is the national broadcaster in Berlin and Brandenburg in Germany. RBB was established in Potsdam on May 1st 2003 through the merger of the SFB (Sender Freies Berlin) and the ORB (Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg). The company has studios in Berlin, Potsdam, Cottbus and Frankfurt (Oder).
Potsdam (former DDR), capital and largest city of the German state of Brandenburg, was a residence of the Prussian kings and the German Kaiser until 1918. The 1,000-year-old city is widely known for its palaces, its lakes and its overall historical and cultural significance. Landmarks include the parks and palaces of Sanssouci, Germany’s largest UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as other beautiful Palaces such as the Orangery Palace, the New Palace (Neues Palais), the Cecilienhof Palace and the Charlottenhof Palace.
- Skybrokers was contracted to remove a 9m antenna in Potsdam.
- The antenna was installed in a remote location.
- Our team took it done in 8 days in June 2022.
- Cabling of the MCU and de-icing cabinet was removed.
- Antenna reflector was moved into zenit postion.
- Antenna was prepared prior to lifting operations.
- A 80T crane was arranged for lifting the antenna reflector.
- A 80T crane was arranged for lifting the antenna reflector.
- The main reflector was lifted down on the ground.
- The main reflector was lifted down on the ground.
- The main reflector was lifted down on the ground.
- The crane lifted the sub-reflector assembly from the main reflector.
- The Pedestal was removed from the foundation.
- The Pedestal was removed from the foundation.
- The Pedestal was removed from the foundation.
- The Pedestal legs were removed from the foundation.
- The Pedestal legs were removed from the foundation.
- Antenna was dismantled after lifting operations.
- Antenna was dismantled after lifting operations.
- De-icing parts were sorted and kept together.
- Antenna parts are ready for loading.
- Antenna parts were loaded into a truck.
- We had to use two cranes for moving the parts out of the park.
- A dedicated truck was loaded carefully.
- Antenna system was removed and the site was cleaned.
- The site was cleaned after 8 days.
- Holländische Viertel, Dutch influence in Potsdam.
- The ‘Tor’ of Neues Palais, built in the 18th century.
- The Neues Palais, home of the University of Potsdam.
- Schloss Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany’s largest UNESCO Heritage site.