

Actox Corporation

Actox Corporation manufactures and markets commercial and military satellite communication equipment. The company offers down and up converters, modulators and de-modulators, cables and connectors, and redundancy systems that can be used in an Earth Station Antenna. Actox Corp. is based in San Diego, California.

Company History

Actox Corp. believes that as satellite communication network operators become more knowledgeable, satellite earth station equipment becomes more of a commodity. There is less need for expert system advise since the buyer often knows as much or more than the component manufacturers. As satellite equipment becomes smaller, more integrated, and more intelligent, the products migrate towards lower commodity prices. This value migration is the strategic insight that created Actox.

The Actox Corp. is privately held and founded in 1999 upon the decades of international business experience in the field of telecommunications and software development of its principal investors. Through years of close association in manufacturing, marketing and systems integration, the founders’ organizational development is dedicated to applying established e-commerce tools to simplify the selection and purchase of components as well as systems for internet via satellite applications.

Skybrokers provides Actox satellite equipment against competitive prices. We can do this since Actox Corporation manages the manufacturing, importation, sales, marketing and integration of satellite telecommunication products originating in Europe, USA and ASIA.

Actox Corp. also maintains its own manufacturing facilities, service centers and sales offices in the USA, Middle East and Europe as well as ASIA.

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