Skybrokers de-installing a VertexRSI 9m Antenna at the ORF facility in Vienna, Austria

Skybrokers de-installed a VertexRSI 9m Antenna at the ORF Austria
Skybrokers was requested to de-install a VertexRSI 9.0m Earth Station Antenna at ORF in Vienna Austria. This was a special project due to limited space at the site. The team had to dismantle the antenna reflector in the air and remove antenna parts to a separate loading place. We used a flat-bed truck for transportation along small roads. Skybrokers de-installed a VertexRSI 9m Antenna, the Earth Station Antenna de-installation was performed by a two member installation team and took 1 week in November 2016.
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The Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) is the Austrian national public service broadcaster and is the dominant player in the Austrian broadcast media. ORF is broadcasting five national TV channels, ORF 1 and ORF 2, ORF III, ORF Sport and ORF 2 Europe.
Austria was the last country in continental Europe after Albania to allow nationwide private television broadcasting, although commercial TV channels from neighboring Germany have been present in Austria on pay-TV and via terrestrial overspill since the 1980s.