Satellite footprints

Eutelsat 9B at 9° East

Position:9° East
Manufacturer:Thales Alenia Space
Launch operator:ILS
Launch vehicle:Proton M/Breeze
Launch date:08/20/2015
Expected lifetime:15+ Years

Eutelsat 9B significantly expands and diversifies resources at Eutelsat’s 9° East location for high-growth video markets across Europe. Capacity is spread across five footprints, with frequency reuse significantly increasing overall bandwidth.

A pan-European footprint delivers a wide coverage for channels seeking maximum reach into satellite homes and to terrestrial head-ends, providing connectivity to cable networks across the whole of Europe. Five regional footprints address high-growth digital TV-markets in Germany, Greece, Italy and the Nordics with the Baltics and Ukraine.

Pay-TV platforms and national DTT programmes appreciate this regional footprint model which enables them to efficiently address linguistic markets, while in parallel, leverage reception from the HOTBIRD neighbourhood with off-the-shelf dual-feed dishes.

The satellite was constructed by Thales Alenia Space and launched on August 20th, 2015 on a Proton M rocket operated by launch operator ILS.