D-Orbit ION Satellite Carrier deploying SmallSats in LEO orbit
D-Orbit ION Satellite Carrier deploying SmallSats in LEO orbit
The Italian space logistics company D-Orbit launched its ION Satellite Carrier, previously known as the ION CubeSat Carrier, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. This platform features a customizable 64U satellite dispenser capable of accommodating various CubeSats within its volume. During its mission, the ION Satellite Carrier can deploy the hosted satellites individually, adjusting orbital parameters between deployments. Each miniature CubeSat weighs just a few kilograms.
The carrier deployed CubeSats individually using a spring release mechanism after reaching a sun-synchronous orbit at 500 km. The 60 cm cubic dispenser accommodates various combinations of 1U, 2U, 3U, 3U+, 6U, 6U+, 12U, and 12U+ CubeSats along the vertical axis. Upon completing the deployment phase, which can last up to a month, the ION CubeSat Carrier will commence a validation phase for its payloads directly integrated onto the platform.
A CubeSat is a type of small satellite with a form factor of 10 cm (3.9 inches) per side. Each unit weighs no more than 2 kg (4.4 lbs) and frequently utilizes commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components for its electronics and structure. CubeSats are deployed into orbit from the International Space Station (ISS) or launched as secondary payloads on various launch vehicles. As of December 2023, over 2,300 CubeSats have been launched.