An used VertexRSI 4.8m Earth Station Antenna delivered to CYTA Makarios Teleport on Cyprus.

An used VertexRSI 4.8m Earth Station Antenna delivered to CYTA Makarios Teleport on Cyprus.
Skybrokers was awarded a contract in October 2022 to deliver an used and touched up VertexRSI 4.8m motorized Earth Station Antenna to the Makarius Teleport, owned and operated by the Cyprus Telecommunication Authority (CYTA), the leading provider of fixed line and mobile telecommunications and internet access on the island. The antenna was checked out and touched up to include refurbished motors and new cabling and limits. The delivery of the antenna system took place in December 2022, and the customer took care for its installation.
CYTA was originally established as Cyprus Inland Telecommunications Authority (CITA) in 1955, but was renamed CYTA in 1961 after taking control of external communications from Cable and Wireless, Ltd. The company has provided mobile telephony service since 1988 and Internet access since 1995 under the CYTANet brand. CYTA operates the Makarius Satellite Ground Station consisting of 150 antennas sizing from 1.2m VSAT to the almighty 32m Earth Station. The teleport links to various satellites in C-, Ku- and DBS- frequency bands and is staffed 24/7/365.
- Reflector panels cleaned and checked.
- Antenna redials checked and packed properly.
- Other antenna parts were packed properly in custom made crates.
- Jacks and motors checked out and refurbished.
- All parts packed in transportation crates.
- Loading the container.
- In the meanwhile, customer prepared the foundation slab.
- Reflector assembly.
- Sub reflector assembly ready.
- A telehandler was used during the antenna assembly..
- ..and pedestal installation.
- Antenna erected for further installation.