Skybrokers delivered a refurbished Andrew 7.6m Earth Station Antenna at AXESS Networks Teleport (formerly CETel) in Germany

Skybrokers delivered a refurbished Andrew 7.6m Satellite Antenna
In September 2022 AXESS Networks contracted Skybrokers to deliver an Andrew 7.6m Satellite Antenna to their Teleport in Ruppichteroth, close to Bonn in Germany. We supplied a refurbished Earth Station Antenna to include new motors and hardware kits. The customer, with great help of Markus, Mauricio, Johnny and Sergey, successfully installed and commissioned the antenna under our supervision, end of November 2022.
AXESS Networks is a new leading global player in the enterprise satellite communications industry. The company provides turnkey solutions and is currently operating three Teleports in Colombia, Mexico and Germany. The German Teleport facility was formerly known as CETel that merged with AxeSat from Latin America in 2019 to become AXESS Networks EMEA in 2020. Satellite operator HispaSat from Spain acquired AXESS Networks in March 2022.
- AXESS Networks (formerly CETel) Teleport in Germany.
- Antenna was refurbished and repainted.
- Antenna radials are sanded and spray painted.
- We use special paint.
- Antenna panels are carefully packed and loaded.
- In the meanwhile the foundation pad was prepared…
- ..and concrete was poured.
- The Tripod Mount was already erected on the foundation pad.
- Antenna backframe is assembled.
- Antenna backframe is assembled.
- Panels are prepared for assembly.
- The Antenna panels installed on the backframe.
- The Antenna panels installed on the backframe.
- The Antenna panels installed on the backframe.
- New reflector hardware kits are installed.
- 1000 bolts are installed.
- Main reflector is being assembled.
- The main reflector contains 16 panels.
- Reflector is ready for lifting.
- Antenna Hub, radials and panels were painted.
- EL jack and Tripod Mount are prepared.
- AZ jack is being lifted on the Tripod.
- Reflector is being lifted.
- Reflector is lifted to the Tripod Mount.
- Reflector is lifted to the Tripod Mount.
- Reflector is lifted to the Tripod Mount.
- Reflector is lifted to the Tripod Mount.
- Reflector is installed on the Tripod.
- New motors with gearboxes are installed.
- New motors with gearboxes are installed.
- Antenna accepted by satellite operator ABS.
- Antenna ready for operation.