VertexRSI 8.1m Ku-band Antenna delivered to Speedcast in The Netherlands

VertexRSI 8.1m Ku-band Antenna delivered to Speedcast in The Netherlands
In October 2021, Speedcast requested Skybrokers to provide an 8 or 9m Ku-band Antenna for their Teleport operations in The Netherlands. We were able to deliver quickly a VertexRSI 8.1m Satellite Earth Station Antenna equipped with full reflector de-icing and tracking capabilities. The antenna was successfully installed by the customer end of 2021.
Speedcast has grown to be one of the major satellite service providers in the Asia-Pacific and EMEA regions, with a global maritime network serving customers worldwide. Thru the years Speedcast acquired various companies such as GeoLink from France, NewSat satellite operator from Australia after its bankruptcy, ST Teleport in Singapore, Globecomm Europe and Harris Caprock.
In February 2020 the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. On March 11th 2021, Speedcast announced the completion of its restructuring and emerged from Chapter 11 proceedings under the ownership of Centerbridge Partners, L.P. The company now is consolidating its facilities and services over 350 customers across more than 2,000 terrestrial sites in about 50 countries and almost 1,200 maritime vessels and offshore rigs.
- Speedcast Teleport in The Netherlands.
- Antenna panels were pressure washed.
- Customer installed the antenna system.
- Main reflector aligned.
- We provided new motors for EL and AZ.
- Antenna was succesfuly installed.
- Full reflector de-icing installed and tested.
- Antenna currently in operation.
- Antenna currently in operation.
- Redundant HPA system was installed.