Satellite footprints

DemoSat-2 at 97.4° West (Inclined Orbit)

Position:97.4° West
Launch operator:Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Launch vehicle:PSLV
Launch date:01/12/2018
Expected lifetime:10 Years

The DemoSat-2 satellite s a 3U CubeSat by satellite manufacturer and operator Astranis to perform an UHF radio test for Astranis planned small GEO communications satellites.

The cubesat serves as a pathfinder for the technology to be used on Astranis’ planned small GEO communications satellites. It carries an early prototype of their software-defined UHF radio technology. The mission demonstrated streaming HD videos up to the spacecraft, processed in real-time by the digital payload and then sent back down again to the ground station in Alaska.

The DemoSat-2 satellite was launched in 12 January 2018 as a piggy-back payload on a PSLV-XL rocket operated by ISRO from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in India.


DemoSat-2 at 97.4° West (Inclined Orbit)

DemoSat-2 launched by PSLV rocket
DemoSat-2 satellite

DemoSat-2 at 97.4° West (Inclined Orbit)

ISRO PSLV-C40 - Astranis DemoSat-2 Mission