Skybrokers delivered and installed a refurbished Andrew 7.6m Ku-band Earth Station Antenna at Tusass in Nuuk Greenland

Skybrokers delivered and installed a refurbished Andrew 7.6m Ku-band Earth Station Antenna at Tusass in Nuuk, Greenland
In September 2022, Skybrokers secured a contract to supply Tusass (formerly TELE Greenland), with a used Andrew 7.6m Ku-band Earth Station Antenna. Before shipping the antenna system to Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, the antenna was refurbished and checked out. Despite facing some challenges, the three-member project and installation team persevered and managed to successfully assemble, align, and commission the earth station in July and August of 2023. This antenna will play a pivotal role in Tusass’ satellite network, providing essential support to the villages and settlements around Greenland by offering faster and more cost-effective internet services.
Tusass is a Greenlandic postal and telecommunications company dating back to 1879. It is the largest telecom company in Greenland and is headquartered in Nuuk. The company manages the top-level domain for Greenland .gl, and owns the sea cable Greenland Connect, a 2-pair 128*10 Gbit/s submarine fiber cable connecting Canada, Greenland and Iceland. Formerly known as TELE Greenland, the company was rebranded in 2021 as Tusass, Greenlandic slang for “talk to you later”.
The company provides internet connections to towns and remote settlements using three different technologies: underwater sea cable, radio chains and via satellite. To improve internet connectivity in the country, Tusass signed in 2021 an agreement with satellite operator HispaSat from Spain for a dedicated payload of 800MHz on the Amazonas Nexus satellite. This payload is designed to provide dedicated coverage to Greenland. The satellite was launched on February 5th, 2023 on a Falcon 9 rocket operated by SpaceX, and the payload for Greenland will be known as Greensat.
- Delivery of containers to the installation location using a shovel.
- Assembly of the reflector starts.
- 16 radials and panels are installed.
- Reflector was aligned with a theodolite.
- Walton de-icing backframe is installed..
- De-icing panels are installed.
- Antenna reflector is ready for lifting.
- Crane and cherry picker were arranged for lifting the parts.
- Crane was set up.
- Foundation was prepared weeks before.
- The cane is lifting the tripod mount to the foundation.
- Tripod mount installed on the foundation.
- The reflector is now lifted to the tripod mount.
- The reflector is installed on the tripod mount.
- The reflector is installed on the tripod mount.
- Sub assembly is lifted.
- Lifting operations were finished in one day.
- Now the work starts.
- Work platform installed with special crane.
- Work platform installed with special crane.
- Work platform was installed.
- Special heating elements for resolvers were installed.
- Heated housing for the motors was installed.
- Redundant HPA system is installed.
- Redundant HPA system is installed.
- Antenna is ready for tests with satellite operator Hispasat.
- Tusass has his new antenna in operation.
- Antenna ready for operation.