Skybrokers delivered and installed a refurbished VertexRSI 6.1m antenna for Andesat in Lima Peru

Skybrokers installed a refurbished VertexRSI 6.1m antenna in Lima, Peru.
Skybrokers delivered and installed an used and refurbished VertexRSI 6.1m Earth Station Antenna to AndeSat in Lima Peru. The antenna was placed on a 25-story building and installation was performed in conjunction with the customer and was finished in January 2019. The antenna is currently the highest satellite antenna in Latin America.
Amazing project, one of our best! Lots of logistics since the customer had to plan two lifts due to local restrictions and licenses. Main streets were blocked by the Federal Police and a 300-tonnes (!) crane had to be arranged for lifting all the antenna parts including the Pedestal mount with legs. The week after we had to do the same job but now for lifting the assembled reflector and sub reflector assembly on the mount. The crane could only do this during the night to avoid traffic congestions in busy Lima. Our team, with great help of our customer, installed the reflector on the mount during the night of January 26th 2019.
Andesat is a cellular backhaul provider headquartered in Lima, Peru. The company aims to connect more than 8 million people in Peru that live in rural communities with no broadband internet access. The company has been buying capacity from satellite operators including Intelsat, Eutelsat, SES and Telesat to connect various locations.
In 2021 Andesat ordered Peru’s first dedicated satellite with MicroGEO satellite manufacturer Astranis. The satellite, Andesat-1, is scheduled for launch in 2023. The AndeSat-1 satellite would enable about three million Peruvians to access affordable 4G service on their mobile devices for the first time.
- A special frame was constructed weeks before.
- Frame was constructed for mounting the antenna.
- Antenna panels ready for transportation to the site.
- Antenna parts moved to the installation site.
- Backframe assembled.
- Backframe assembled with limited space on the roof.
- Police blocking streets for the 300-tonnes crane.
- 300-tonnes crane took 3 hours to built.
- Crane reaching the edges of the 25-story building.
- Positioning the reflector on the Pedestal.
- Crane lifting the reflector on Pedestal.
- Customer built scaffolding to work safely.
- Crane lifting the sub on the main reflector.
- The next day we could see the result!
- The highest antenna installed in South America.
- Attention to detail: New coupler spiders.
- New motors and jackboots are provided.
- Reflector alignment took one day.
- VertexRSI 6.1m antenna on 25-story building.
- Antenna ready for operation on Intelsat satellite.