Skybrokers installed a refurbished VertexRSI 9.0m Antenna at Talia Teleport in Raisting Germany

Skybrokers installed a refurbished VertexRSI 9.0m Antenna at Talia Teleport in Raisting Germany.
Skybrokers installed a refurbished VertexRSI 9.0m Antenna. Skybrokers was requested by satellite service provider Talia, to deliver and install an used and refurbished Vertex 9m Ku-band Earth Station Antenna at their teleport facility in Raisting (Munich area), Germany. The installation was performed with a three-member project- and installation team, and took three weeks in February & March in 2014. The antenna was successfully installed and handed over to the client.
Talia is a satellite service-provider for Internet connectivity, voice and video services supporting enterprises, media companies, NGO’s and governmental organizations. Founded in 2004 and headquartered in the UK, Talia operated their own Teleport facility in Germany with sales offices in the US, UAE, Africa and Iraq. Talia recently bought Onlime Teleport in Hameln, Germany and was acquired in 2020 by newly formed UK-based holding company Commercis, Ltd.
- On this foundation a 9m antenna will be installed.
- Unloading the truck.
- Antenna parts are ready for assembly.
- Reflector assembly.
- Reflector assembly.
- 16 radials with lacings assembled.
- Panel alignment.
- Pedestal legs are installed.
- Pedestal legs are installed.
- Pedestal installed and leveled.
- Crane is lifting the main reflector.
- Main reflector is lifted.
- Main reflector is lifted on the Pedestal.
- Remaining de-icing is installed.
- Remaining de-icing is installed.
- Remaining de-icing is installed.
- Remaining de-icing is installed.
- De-icing is re-wired.
- Re-wiring the MCU-Tracking box.
- Sub reflector alignment.
- Antenna is tested.
- Antenna ready for operation.