Skybrokers relocated a VertexRSI 6.3m Earth Station Antenna for satellite operator Eutelsat from France

Skybrokers relocated a VertexRSI 6.3m Earth Station Antenna for satellite operator Eutelsat from France.
In February 2024 Skybrokers secured a contract for relocation of a VertexRSI 6.3m antenna from the Skylogic teleport in Turin in Italy to Eutelsat’s Rambouillet Teleport facility near Paris in France. The Earth Station fitted on an existing foundation that was already adjusted. The antenna was cleaned and touched up, the isolation of the de-icing system was partially replaced and tested and the indoor 19inch equipment rack was re-wired by professional RF engineers. Our three-member project and installation team dismantled the antenna in May and re-installed and tested the antenna successfully in June 2024.
Special thanks to Giacomo, Francois, Paul, Florian and Victor for their great help to bring this project to a successful end.
Eutelsat is one of world’s major satellite operators headquartered in Paris in France. The company operates more than 50 satellites used for broadcasting 5,800 TV’s, of which 600 are in HD, and 1,100 radio stations to over 250 million cable and satellite homes. In 2014 the company acquired satellite operator SATMEX from Mexico adding three Mexican satellites to their fleet. In 2022 Eutelsat became the first combined LEO/GEO satellite communications company when it merged with LEO satellite operator OneWeb to rename in Eutelsat Group. The company operates the Rambouillet Teleport, located south of Paris, with over the 200 antennas, the Torino (Turin) Teleport in Italy, the Cagliari Teleport on Sardinia (Italy), Eutelsat’s Madeira Teleport and the Eutelsat America’s teleport in Washington DC, USA.
- Eutelsat Rabouillet Teleport south of Paris.
- The Teleport is housing 200+ Earth Station Antennas.
- The ‘Batwing-street’.
- This VertexRSI 6.3m Antenna had to be dismantled.
- Antenna was located at the Skylogic Teleport in Turin, Italy.
- The team took it down end of May 2024.
- The Pedestal was lifted from the antenna base.
- Reflector was taken apart.
- Dedicated truck was loaded.
- Antenna had toi be re-installed at the Rambouillet Teleport.
- Existing foundation was prepared and adjusted.
- Crane was arrnged for unloading the truck.
- Unloading antenna parts.
- Antenna parts were located close to the base.
- Pedestal legs were installed..
- well as the Pedestal using the crane.
- Pedestal was moved and leveled.
- De-icing cabinet was installed and wired.
- Assembly of the radials on the hub.
- Reflector panels were assembled on the back frame.
- Reflector was assembled.
- Sub reflector legs installed.
- Isolation for the de-icing panels was renewed.
- We used cork and aluminum foil.
- De-icing panels were installed.
- De-icing panels were installed.
- Reflector ready for lifting.
- Indoor equipment was re-installed and wired.
- Crane was rescheduled..
- Slings made ready for lifting.
- Reflector is lifted to the Pedestal.
- Reflector is carefully installed on the Pedestal.
- De-icing cabinet was wired and connected with the motors.
- Redundant LNA system and waveguide runs installed.
- Antenna is being tested.
- Antenna ready for operation.