Satellite footprints

ChinaSat-2E (ZX-2E) at (unknown)

Launch operator:CGWIC
Launch vehicle:Long March 3B
Launch date:08/05/2021
Expected lifetime:15+ Years

ChinaSat-2E (ZX-2E) at (unknown)

ChinaSat-2E (ZX-2E) is operated by ChinaSat from China. The satellite, and commonplace with the ChinaSat series in general, provides onboard power and propulsion systems amounting to a 15-year nominal lifespan.

While never admitting its military application, Chinasat-2E satellite is designed to provide military communications services to the Chinese Armed Forces. The 5,320 kg spacecraft is built by CAST (Chinese Academy of Space Technology) using a version of its DFH-4 bus design.

ZX-2E was launched on August 5th, 2021 from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center using a Long March-3B (LM-3B/G3) from the LA-2 launch complex in China. The satellite is a military communication satellite and its real name is Shentong 2-05, with the ChinaSat denomination being a cover name.

ChinaSat-2E (ZX-2E) at (unknown)

ChinaSat satellite constructed by CAST
ChinaSat-2E encapsulated
CZ-3B launching ChinaSat-2E
ChinaSat-2E in orbit