Satellite footprints

Sateliot LEO satellite constellation

Manufacturer:Open Cosmos
Launch operator:GK Launch Services
Launch vehicle:Soyuz-2
Launch date:03/22/2021
Expected lifetime:6 Years

The Sateliot LEO satellite constellation is built and operated by Sateliot, a satellite telecom operator offering global continuous IoT connectivity under 5G protocol.

The Nano-satellites will function as telecommunications towers from space, providing 5G IoT coverage to mobile operators, through a roaming service so that these operators can in turn offer a global and massive internet of things service, without discontinuity, where terrestrial networks do not reach.

Sateliot has started deploying its Sateliot LEO Satellite Constellation of up to 100 nanosatellites in 2021 and wants to offer services in 2022. On March 22nd, 2021, the first satellite was launched as a passenger payload from the launch base in Kazakhstan with a Soyuz-2 launcher, operated by GK Launch Services.  

Satellite Mission Launch Date Launcher Launch Operator
3B5GSAT prototype March 22nd, 2021 Soyuz-2 GK Launch Services KZ
The Groundbreaker Transporter 7 April 11th, 2023 Falcon 9 SpaceX USA

Sateliot LEO satellite constellation

Sateliot satellite built by Open Cosmos
Sateliot LEO Satellite Constellation
Sateliot satellites in orbit
Sateliot Nano-satellite launched on Soyuz-2 launcher