Skybrokers de-installed a VertexRSI 9m Earth Station Antenna for DieFernSehWerft in Berlin, Germany

Skybrokers de-installed a VertexRSI 9m Earth Station Antenna
One of our first antenna projects where we had to remove an antenna from its foundation. The antenna had been used for broadcasting operations by Radio Deutschland RTL 2. The facility with antenna had to make place for new buildings. Fernsehwerft requested Skybrokers to remove the Earth Station antenna and clean up the site. Skybrokers de-installed a VertexRSI 9m Earth Station Antenna was successfully completed with a three member project & installation team in September 2012.
DieFernSehWerft, GmbH. is an independent German Media- & TV Production and Broadcasting company headquartered in Berlin’s creative East Harbour quarter, home of many media companies. The company was established in 2007.
DieFernSehWerft’s major daily production is a breakfast TV magazine called “Frühstücksfern- sehen” on SAT1. They also produce the weekly format “akte 20.18”, an investigative journalism TV magazine.
- Old NOC of Radio Deutschland RTL 2.
- Reflector is prepared for lifting.
- Pedestal is prepared for lifting.
- Reflector is lifted.
- Feed is removed before lifting.
- Reflector is removed from the Pedestal.
- Disassembly of the de-icing enclosure.
- Disassembly of the de-icing enclosure.
- Disassembly of the de-icing enclosure.
- Disassembly of the de-icing enclosure.
- Lacings and radials are de-installed.
- De-icing enclosure is kept apart.
- Lunch break.
- Antenna parts loaded in dedicated truck.