Perhaps you're interested in this alternative product:
Earth Station Antenna Control Cabinet (Outdoor)

Earth Station Antenna Control Cabinet (Outdoor), sat-nms ACU-ODU-AC
Are you searching for a reliable nearly plug-and-play solution as your new antenna control system?
The Earth Station Antenna Control Cabinet,sat-nms ACU-ODU-AC from Satservice is exactly what you were looking for! It fits all antenna types with induction AC motors up to 7.5kW, no matter if you refurbish an existing antenna or if you install a new one.
It comes with pre-configured frequency inverters for easy starting-up. Core module is the well-known sat-nms ACU-ODM which might be configured with encoder interfaces for analog resolvers, digital encoders with SSI interface or potentiometers. It is available with step-tracking option or as pointing only version. The sat-nms LBRX beacon receiver for antenna tracking is available as small DIN-Rail version for installing directly to the cabinet or as 19” rack mount version.
The standard configuration already includes an interface for sat-nms LCPH or LCPHD-PT handheld controller. This interface is also compatible to the VertexRSI PMCU Handheld, including angle position display! A variety of options are available to tailor the control cabinet along your demands.
The cabinet is available in two versions:
– ACU-ODU-AC-DS: small cabinet (600x600x250mm) for motors up to 3kW
– ACU-ODU-AC-DE: large cabinet (760x760x300mm) for motors up to 7.5kW
Please feel free to contact us for more information.