VertexRSI L-band Tracking Receiver model TRL-1S

Condition: | Used and tested |
Model: | TRL-1S |
Manufacturer: | VertexRSI |
VertexRSI L-band Tracking Receiver model TRL-1S
The VertexRSI L-band Tracking Receiver model TRL-1S is a fully synthesized unit that provides a proportional DC tracking signal from any beacon frequency in the 950 to 1,750 MHz band for use with antenna control systems in satellite communications earth stations.
The L-Band input range offers a popular and efficient ‘lowest common denominator’ for a wide range of system architectures, including L-, C-, X-, and Ku-Band applications. A stabilized Low-Noise Block downconverter (LNB) or Block Downconverter (BDC), available from VertexRSI (or customer furnished), is used to translate C-, X-, or Ku-Band frequency ‘blocks’ to the 950 to 1,750MHz range for use by the receiver.
The TRL-1S performs ‘conventional’ non-coherent envelope detection in a 185kHz bandwidth, and offers 57dB-Hz sensitivity, which is sufficient for most applications.
Key Features
- Fully synthesized downconverter, using Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) techniques, allows selection of any frequency in the 950 to 1750 MHz band, with 1kHz resolution,
- C-, X-, and Ku-Band applications are readily accommodated by way of an external (high stability) LNB or BDC
- Envelope detection version fits a wide range of sensitivity requirements
- Remote control and status monitoring are provided via dry contact closure and/or RS-232/RS-422 serial
VertexRSI offered the full range of earth station and base station communications products and was specialized in fixed and mobile satellite communication gateways, antennas, high power amplifiers, baseband products, frequency converters, controls and microwave components. VertexRSI offered design and engineering support as preparation for the installation.
The company was founded in 1973 and operated from 2004 till 2019 as subsidiary of General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies, a USA based business unit of General Dynamics C4 Systems, operating as General Dynamics Mission Systems. VertexRSI was owned by Tripoint Global, a privately held company in New York who bought Vertex in 1999 from Vertex Corp. Tripoint Global was composed that time of RSI, Prodelin, Gabriel Electronics & Microwave and CSA Wireless Communications. Tripoint Global merged Vertex with RSI to become VertexRSI. GDSatcom acquired Trpoint Global in 2004.
In 2019 VertexRSI (GDSatcom) was acquired by CPI, Inc.
Skybrokers offers for over 10 years VertexRSI Satellite Earth Station Antennas, new as well as used. We can provide turnkey solutions, refurbishment and upgrades. We supported several clients with new and used antennas, such as the VertexRSI 3.8m, VertexRSI 6.3m, VertexRSI 6.1, VertexRSI 7.2m, VertexRSI 8.1m and VertexRSI 9.3m.